Commercial Litigation

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When litigation cannot be avoided, businesses require counsel who serves as a strategic partner and an effective tool towards the targeted objective. We provide vigorous advocacy to overcome legal challenges, but aim further to offer insight to facilitate well-informed decisions. Our services are always tailored, efficient and practical.

General counsel, risk managers, and other key stakeholders in businesses turn to us for legal strategies or targeted litigation efforts within specified timeframes and budgets. Likewise, businesses with exposure to litigation rely on our expertise not only to advance their interests in lawsuits, but also to refine legal documents to withstand potential challenges.

Finding common ground with adversaries can be difficult. Our attorneys excel at handling delicate negotiations between parties entrenched in their positions.  Where it cannot be accomplished, the judicial or arbitral process is availed to ensure that your business operations can obtain the necessary relief with the minimal distraction and expense possible.  

Our attorneys regularly handle state and federal litigation, including appeals and regulatory proceedings, for local, national, and international clients. We pride ourselves on fostering long-term relationships with each client, building a solid understanding of their individual needs and supporting their unique business objectives. We deliver ongoing and open communication, including regular status reports, budget updates, and customized services for each client.

Our clients encompass a broad spectrum, from Fortune 500 corporations to small local businesses, individuals, and entrepreneurs. Our representation extends across a wide array of industries, including banking, insurance, transportation, manufacturing, distribution, retailing, healthcare, technology, construction and entertainment.

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