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Thank you for visiting the website of Strikowsky Drachman & Shapiro, PLLC (the “Firm”). Information on this website (and any third-party information accessed though it) is provided by the Firm for informational purposes only. Use of this website will be deemed to be acceptance of the terms set forth in this disclaimer.  This website is not an offer to represent you, and you should not act, or refrain from acting, based upon any information at this website, nor rely on any of the content set forth on the website as legal advice. you are deemed to agree by using the website.  Neither the presentation information on the website nor your receipt of it creates an attorney-client relationship.

Strikowsky Drachman & Shapiro, PLLC welcomes your queries. You should be aware, however, that unless you are already a client of our firm and the subject matter is within the agreed-to scope of an existing and ongoing representation, the act of sending electronic mail to our firm will not create an attorney-client relationship or impose any obligation on the Firm or any of its lawyers. Any electronic communication between us will not be privileged, may not be secure and may be disclosed to other persons. Therefore, you should not send us any e-mail that contains confidential or sensitive information or materials.  The Firm undertakes no duty to preserve, safeguard, or return anything so communicated.

We make no warranty and do not intend, but rather hereby expressly disclaim, (a) any warranty (whether express or implied), guaranty, representation, promise, assurance, or other statement that the web site is accurate, complete, timely, current, or reliable in any respect; (b) any warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement; and (c) suitability, reliability, or applicability of all or any part of this web site. Moreover, the Firm expressly disclaims (d) that it can or will enter into an attorney-client relationship or enter into any other relationship or assume any duty (fiduciary or otherwise) with or on behalf of any person; (e) that the cases or comments discussed in this web site are comparable or applicable to any case or other legal matter involving any person; and (e) that any user or other person will obtain any particular result or outcome in any case or other legal matter. The Firm may change the website at any time, but undertakes no obligation to do so.  

Prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes.  The Firm intends no comparison between its services and those of other lawyers, nor should visitors to the website have any expectation that the services offered by the firm are certified specializations.

2023 © Strikowsky Drachman & Shapiro PLLC
Civil Litigators: Insurance Counselors

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